ROLF attorneys and consultants regularly assist our skilled nursing facility (SNF) clients in multiple states with
appealing citations through the IDR, IIDR and formal ALJ processes.
In 2019, we once again had a very successful year in this regard. Some of our results include:
- Positively modifying original 2567s in 61 cases.

- Removing more than 1,000 points for 5 star.
- Eliminating 10 Immediate Jeopardies via IIDR or survey appeals.
- Deleting or reducing 20 F level citations.
- Overturning a G level citation at the ALJ level.
- Reducing or eliminating several G level deficiencies via the IDR and IIDR processes.
- Settling administrative appeal cases resulting in decisions to remove substandard quality of care (SQC) designations and rescission of Denials of Payment, which in one case saved our client nearly $300,000 in penalties.
- Reducing a CMP from over $100,000 to a per instance CMP of less than $20,000
To engage ROLF to assist your SNF in appealing a survey citation, please contact the firm at (866) 495-5608 or call or email Michele Conroy, Margaret Chamberlain, Christopher Tost, Heather Baird or Carol Rolf.
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