Aric Martin and
Jacqueline Anderson and will be presenting a seminar entitled "
ROP PHASE 3: Compliance Program Intensive"for the
Ohio Health Care Association (OHCA) on August 6, 2019 in Cleveland and on August 7, 2019 in Columbus. This intensive half day training session is designed to zero in on the practical information that you need to get ready for the compliance requirements in Phase 3 of the Requirements for Participation ("ROP"). The training session will move beyond mere overviews and surface level discussions, and will dive in to provide you with what you need to succeed.
As part of this session and included in the first person registration fee, your facility will receive a Survey Readiness Toolkit, as well as a sample Compliance & Ethics Program to take back. These tools will be of immeasurable value as you prepare for the looming November 28th deadline – whether you are experienced with compliance or you are just getting started. Attendees will leave this session understanding the steps they need to
take between now and November in order to implement a compliance program that will satisfy surveyors, and learn practical strategies and tools for identifying and responding to high risk areas including approaches that may help decrease costs and improve outcomes.
Topics that will be addressed:
- What surveyors be reviewing and what questions they will ask
- Who should be your compliance officer
- What training and resources does your compliance officer need
- Considerations in setting up a hotline
- How to handle overpayments
- Why are PEPPERS so important
- Pitfalls in physician relationships
- Preparing for PDPM
- HIPAA compliance
- Conducting a facility assessment
- Focus on quality of care
- Considerations for contracting
- Responding to a government investigation
- And much, much more!