Margaret Chamberlain and
Cory Phillips will be presenting sessions at the
LeadingAge Michigan's Finance & Strategy Day on September 10, 2019. This
high-level program will address the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (Medicaid Actuarial) increase in the number of Medicaid bed days to date for FY 2019, ending on September 30.
LeadingAge Michigan works to keep members in the KNOW. The Fall 2019 Finance and Strategy Day includes many topics that may seriously impact
LeadingAge Michigan members. And this summer there has been no lack of issues: changes to Nursing Home Provider Tax because of QAS shortfalls, the Governor’s proposed budget cut for Nursing Homes, the MI Health Link extension and the Nursing Facility Quality Measure Initiative. Additionally, the challenge to tax exempt status will be a focus with discussion of what constitutes charitable intent and a recent Administrative Law Judge decision rendering Life Plan Communities ineligible to bill Medicaid. We hope you can join us for this lively and interactive program. For more information or register
click here.