NOTE: This page and the associated document is archival and is not being updated. Current Risk Management thoughts for SNFs related to COVID-19 is maintained on the EVOLVE COVID-19 SNF LEGAL HUB.
There are a lot of excellent
resources available for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) providing guidance with regard to clinical prevention and response to the recent
Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). We are
not endeavoring to offer any suggestions in this regard.
Coronavirus SNF
Rather, as lawyers and consultants, we offer our unique voice to the ongoing conversation in order to provide some thoughts about risk management and potential future legal defense. That is, we know that when bad things happen, people (clients, employees, lawyers, the government) will point the finger.

We offer suggestions in the document linked below that are designed to assist SNFs in making sure that they have documentation in place to support that they have followed community standards and best practices in planning for, and potentially responding to, COVID-19.
Click HERE to access the SNF Risk Management Checklist
**The Checklist linked above is Version 1.3. If you have a prior version, you should update to the most recent version. Original post: 3/6/20. Current version: 3/17/20**
RELATED: CORONAVIRUS - What LTC Providers Should Be Doing Now
Please note that this post is intended to be informational only, and is not intended to be nor should it be relied upon as guaranteeing any results. Rolf Goffman Martin Lang LLP will not be responsible for any actions taken or arrangements structured based upon this post. The receipt or review of this post by an organization that is not a current client of Rolf Goffman Martin Lang LLP does not create an attorney-client relationship between the recipient and the law firm.
©2020. Rolf Goffman Martin Lang LLP. All Rights Reserved. May only be copied with attribution.
Coronavirus SNF